Batch Processing



Batch processing is based on extensive customisation of QSAS by Stein Haaland, to whom the QSAS team are grateful for providing his code.

The Batch Processing window is launched from the Plug-Ins menu. It allows commands from an ascii script file to be run that can access data ingestion, calculation (calculator and Plug-Ins) and plotting. Sequences of operations may be performed easily.

Batch Files

A batch file is an ascii file containing a list of commands understood by QSAS batch handling. The full list of commands is shown on the top of the sample batch file for convenience.
Use any editor to create or modify your batch file and save as plain text.

Note ISO time is written in the form 2004-01-19T14:12:50.00 with arbitrary precision after the decimal point.

Operations understood currently are :
(elements in <> are to be replaced by suitable text)

Running a Batch File

Launching the Run Batch File window from the Plug-Ins menu. This will have a button Open batch file, which will bring up a file dialog to open your batch file.
The name and path of the batch file currently open will be displayed below the button.

The buttons at the bottom of the window will allow the file to be run or stepped through, and commands will be printed in the text window as they are executed.
Note that the calculator, plug-In and plot windows are not displayed, and commands are executed in the background. It is therefore necessary to save plots to a file within the script commands. Objects are saved to the working list as normal after plugins or calculations are executed.


Last up-dated: October 2016 Tony Allen